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Schneikel's Smart Basic PDUs represent a simple and reliable solution where fail-safe power distribution is required for racks and all other data center applications.


These PDUs provide both power distribution and circuit protection.


Schneikel offers a wide range of currents from 16 A to 63 A for single-phase circuits and three-phase solutions. For output connections, the Basic PDUs offer a wide range of selectable sockets from IEC sockets (C13 and C19) to various national standard types such as (earthed) CEE7/4, (UTE) CEE7/5, UK BS1363, AS/NZ3112, NEMA and also CH types T13 and T23.

IEX Basic

Lightweight aluminum installation frame

Light and excellent heat dissipation, large variety of profile colors available. Versatile mounting options for mounting in server racks from leading manufacturers.

















Protection for circuits

Meeting the latest UL circuit protection standards and VDE tested for European use.

High quality hydraulic-magnetic circuit breaker.

CH T13/T23

Also available with CH T13/T23 connectors on request.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-04-23 um
Bildschirmfoto 2021-04-23 um

Mechanical features

  • Ultra light aluminum profile

  • Fully adjustable assembly

  • Hydraulic magnetic switch 10 kA (16A optional)

  • C13/C19 combination socket

IEX Combo C13/C19

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